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Location: All SCAL
KP Sponsored: Yes
Parkinson’s Education Class (English,20 min video)
Learn about Kaiser Permanente’s program for PWP (persons with Parkinson’s), which includes an introduction to our integrated, patient-centered and evidence-based team approach designed to provide the best care for this complex disease. The video includes information about diagnosis, symptoms, treatments, and your clinical care team.
Location: All SCAL
KP Sponsored: Yes
KP Sees Results From Patient-Centered Approach to Parkinson’s Disease
Applying ParkinsonNet model, Kaiser Permanente sees 17 percent decrease in admission rates, 50 percent decrease in overall fractures, and a 60 percent decrease in hip fracture rates.
Location: National
KP Sponsored: No
Parkinson Association of Northern California
For more than 25 years, the Parkinson Association of Northern California has been providing programs and services to improve the quality of life for those facing Parkinson’s disease throughout our region. In the past several years, we have made great strides in developing new and viable services. The Parkinson Association's programing emphasis supports the fact that while there is no cure for Parkinson’s, those diagnosed with the disease can take steps to live well.
Location: National
KP Sponsored: No
PD 101 Member Education Class SCAL
SCAL Parkinson's member education class PowerPoint outlining what Parkinson's disease is, the Kaiser Permanente team (who we are and what we do), exercise as medicine initiative, and what can you do at home?
Location: All SCAL
KP Sponsored: Yes
PD 101 Member Education Class NCAL
NCAL Parkinson's member education class PowerPoint outlining what Parkinson's disease is, the Kaiser Permanente team (who we are and what we do), exercise as medicine initiative, and what can you do at home?
Location: National
KP Sponsored: Yes
PD 101 Member Education Class LCP slides
Life Care Planning is a service provided to adult KP members as part of patient-centered care. It is a process of communication and planning for future health care needs as the member progresses through different life stages: Age, changes in health conditions, unexpected injury or illness.
Location: All SCAL
KP Sponsored: Yes
PD 101 Member Education Class Social Work Slides
This PowerPoint presentation outlines different areas for patients and providers to focus on when coping with Parkinson's disease. These areas consist of mental health, sexual health, caregiver stress, relaxation techniques, planning ahead, and resources.
Location: All SCAL
KP Sponsored: Yes
American Parkinson’s Disease Association
The American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) is the largest grassroots network dedicated to fighting Parkinson’s disease (PD) and works tirelessly to help the approximately one million with PD in the United States live life to the fullest in the face of this chronic, neurological disorder.
Location: National
KP Sponsored: No
Enroll in Research Programs
There are many studies focused on improving current medications and finding a cure for PD. You can find more information about research programs enrolling in your area at: and
Location: National
KP Sponsored: No
KP Life Care Planning
Life Care Planning is Kaiser Permanente’s name for a process also known as advance care planning. We believe that all adults should plan in advance, such as selecting someone you trust to make your health care decisions if you are incapable.
Location: National
KP Sponsored: Yes
Parkinson’s Foundation; Help Line
Call the Parkinson's Foundation Helpline 1.800.4PD.INFO (1-800-473-4636) for answers to all your questions. Staffed by nurses, social workers and therapists, the Helpline is here to support you in any possible way
Location: National
KP Sponsored: No
The Brian Grant Foundation
The Brian Grant Foundation provides tools to improve the well-being of people with Parkinson's. Their programs focus on exercise, nutrition and community-building. More information and resources, including exercise and cooking videos,
Location: National
KP Sponsored: No
Keys to Parkinson’s
Find tailored resources and education for caregivers, healthcare professionals, or people with Parkinson's.
Location: National
KP Sponsored: No
Parkinson’s Disease Information for Caregivers
The information on this page provides guidance on what to expect from Parkinson’s caregiving and how to care for your own health.
Location: National
KP Sponsored: No
Top 10 Essential Caregiver Resources
Navigating Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a life-long process for caregivers, but you don’t have to do it alone. We’re here for you with these top 10 caregiver resources:
Location: National
KP Sponsored: No
Parkinson’s Care Partners: 9 Ways to Get the Care you Need
Here are a few tips on how to ensure that you are receiving the care you need so that both you and your person with Parkinson’s have the best quality of life possible.
Location: National
KP Sponsored: No
Neuroprotective Benefits of Exercise; from Parkinson’s Foundation
Learn studies about how exercise is an important part of healthy living for everyone, however, for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) exercise is not only healthy, but a vital component to maintaining balance, mobility and daily living activities, along with a potential neuroprotective effect.
Location: National
KP Sponsored: No
The Michael J. Fox Foundation
The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) exists for one reason: to accelerate the next generation of Parkinson’s disease (PD) treatments. In practice, that means identifying and funding projects most vital to patients; spearheading solutions around seemingly intractable field-wide challenges; coordinating and streamlining the efforts of multiple, often disparate, teams; and doing whatever it takes to drive faster knowledge turns for the benefit of every life touched by PD.
Location: National
KP Sponsored: No
Parkinson’s Foundation
The Parkinson's Foundation makes life better for people with Parkinson’s disease by improving care and advancing research toward a cure. In everything we do, we build on the energy, experience and passion of our global Parkinson's community.
Location: All SCAL
KP Sponsored: No
KP Health Journeys podcasts
This collection of audio meditations can help you access your body's natural tendency to repair and heal. Through guided imagery and affirmations, you can use your own mind as a complement to traditional medicine. Listen as often as you'd like for maximum benefit.
Location: All SCAL
KP Sponsored: Yes
Davis Phinney
Explore inspirational tools and resources that help people live well today with Parkinson’s. From our online webinar series to our Every Victory Counts® manual, we help hundreds of thousands of individuals and families take action to improve their quality of life every year.
Location: National
KP Sponsored: No
Dance for Parkinson’s’ disease; in-person and virtual
Dance for PD® is committed to encouraging people living with Parkinson’s to continue enjoying the joys and benefits of dance during a time when live classes may not be available. To this end, they are making a full digital archive of classes--led by their team of New York-based teachers--available to everyone, free of charge. No dance experience is required.
Location: National
KP Sponsored: No
KP My Doctor Online Videos; Managing Your Back Pain
Watching short videos from the Permante Medical Group to help manage common back pain symptoms generally in healthy people.
Location: All SCAL
KP Sponsored: Yes